Roller PoleSpear


A new dimension in spearfishing, this is a Roller Pole Spear from Rams Diving.
The spear is a two-piece body with a total length of 200cm, which is also the only similarity with the pro version offered so far.
With this model and system, parameters such as precision, range and drug in use are increased manifold. This is due to the roller mechanism integrated in the base of the spear.
The reel reduces by 50% the necessary force required for loading (compared to all previous models), and from there the elastic can be stretched even more, resulting in a greater distance when shot.
Precision is increased by making a hole in the connecting element to which one end of the elastic is attached, then passes through the roller and ends with a handle made of paracord. With the help of the handle, the elastic is stretched towards the tip of the spear and thus the elastic wraps and adheres to the body of the spear.
The effect is a smooth, buttery and silent shot.The vulcanized rubber that this model will come with is the latest made for the roller.This roller polespear model will be available in the following package: Roller Pole Spear (body, elastic, paracord handle )Mounted anti-slip grip on the front of the spear Paralyzing tip (possible to replace with single tip if desired please note when requesting)


Roller Pole Spear Body: 100% aluminum, length 200 cm. (detachable in two parts), near zero buoyancy, one year warranty
Tip: trident type - alloy steel "paralyzer" hardened in a vacuum environment, steel / AL, hydrodynamic aluminum matrix, counters
Rubber: vulcanized 100% natural rubber, size 10x3mm, UV coatingRoller: dimensions 5*10*17mm, good corrosion indicators
Rams Diving offers:
Body modifications according to customer preferencesProduction of specialized tips for different types of catch section "How to choose?" you will find information and guidance on the selection.

Additional information

Weight 0.500 kg
Dimensions 200 cm


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